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Flash 8 Best Practices



03/07/06, 10:34 PM

XHTML to FlashObject



02/27/06, 09:26 PM

Geoff explains how to use FlashObject to read XHTML data and pass it to Flash as XML, which allows you to use your "alternate Flash content" as actual text content in your Flash movie without having to download the content twice. Check out the entry's comments for some advice on IE's issues with this method.

Flash Content Injection



02/23/06, 06:57 PM

Import XHTML content into your Flash movies with the sIFR Injection library

FlashForward Discount



02/07/06, 08:52 AM

FF Seattle 2006 is only 3 weeks away! Use discount code FNS638STL for $55 off all packages when you register.

SXSW Awards Finalists



02/03/06, 07:45 PM

The 2006 South by Southwest Web Awards Finalists have been announced. If you can't make it to this year's conference in Austin, be sure to check back here at Flash Pearls to find out who wins!




02/01/06, 10:31 PM

Improved security and stability, and a number of minor bugfixes in the latest Firefox release

IE7 Beta 2 Preview



02/01/06, 07:44 AM

The first public beta release of Internet Explorer 7 is now available to download from Microsoft. More info over at the IEBlog

FlashObject v1.3b



01/26/06, 07:01 PM

New features & improvements added to the best Flash embedding JavaScript available today, FlashObject. For the full details of the update and to download it, check out Geoff's blog post on the relase.

Featured Product - Special Discount

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